Sunday, March 20, 2011

Letting go is the hardest thing to do

"When the bargaining has failed and the anger is too hard to maintain, we fall into depression, despair until finally we have to accept we have done everything we can, we let go. We let go and move into acceptance." Quote from Grey's Anatomy.

How apt is this for me right now. I am trying very hard to maintain the anger. For what? Is there any purpose? Everything that I have done does not seem to work and I have done everything that I can.

Have I fallen into depression? Yes, I have as I am dead inside.
Am I in despair? Yes, I am and I have gone beyond that as I am dead inside.

I need to accept that I have done everything I can. Once I have accepted that, then only will I be able to let go. I will then let go and then move into acceptance. Only then will I move forward.

I need a break from all this as work is causing me pain. I need to break away from the source of pain, as just what I'd done with you. This is the only way for me to recover. I need to find myself. It is somewhere there but it is buried very deeply in.

Almost over

It is almost over. Technically it is over as it has ended. However as there are still things that are due and I need to see it to completion, it is almost over. I cannot believe that this person has the audacity to miss such a deadline. Really crap!! +++
This person never fails to make me angry ... Never .... Really boiling mad !!!

What I need to do moving forward:
- cool down
- let go

No worth my emotions, time and energy anymore. Need to let go .....

Letting go has been the most difficult thing for me .... Most difficult ...

Friday, March 18, 2011


It was nice that she had asked me to be the 2nd "referee" for the good character letter thingy. Am so touched ! :)

When I was venting to you about e current, it was really sweet of you to have cheered me up. Really touched as well ! :)

These 2 made my day . I feel slightly better after hearing what u'd said. I was really touched that u know me so well.