Yesterday had been an interesting day. It started off really well. 001 gave me positive feedback and that really lifted my spirits. I had also enjoyed the negotiation meeting and I felt great taking charge and just driving the whole project. I need to display this every single time. A part of me feels that if I were to do that, I will just be so tired. Another part of me is now thinking how can I overcome that and to just keep on doing that each time? Does it really take more time and effort? On reflection, maybe yes. However I had enjoyed it so much that I don't feel tired. That meeting went well.
However soon after, I had received 2 subsequent calls that just caused me to crash. It was horrible.
At the end of the day, I thought let's go jogging to prepare myself. I couldn't even go for a short distance. I was on the verge of tears.
If I were to really think about the root cause of this, it is because of that letter. A part of me cannot even be bothered. A part of me still cared. Seeing the replacement also threw me off. I pretended to be normal. Beneath it all, is a heart that is still broken.
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