Sunday, May 24, 2009

Things do happen for a reason

Things do happen for a reason ... and for a GOOD reason .... It has been very hard for me to accept that you decided to leave and not take up the position. I felt betrayed and rejected. Now that the additional has come in and what is required of me to function in this new role, it is going to take a lot. I am glad that we are not friends as I can just speak my mind as it is without caring about losing the friendship. I am glad that I decided to tell off. I would not have been able to do that to you. I would be so torn and so afraid. I would be afraid that I would lose your friendship and my friendship with the rest and my place as well. I still remember the incident and I defended you blindly. I know that I will continue to get worse.

I am glad that you left. I need to keep remembering the picture.

I am glad I stood my ground and was firm for the instance.

I feel really proud of myself. I am really happy.

I don't give a damn if the feelings are hurt. I know that what I am asking for is fair and reasonable.

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