Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's final

I wasn't looking forward to the meeting. I have been putting it off for so long. I was hoping that things will change. However I know that if things change, it will not be the good for anyone. She has waited long enough for this.

Nonetheless, it is happening. What I'd feared is happening. I allowed it to hit me. When I was asked to ask to get someone down, I really didn't handle it well cos I knew what was coming up. At the end of the meeting, I knew that I was on the verge of tears and that I had to get out. If not, I will break down there and then. And I couldn't allow for it to happen.

I knew that I had to take a spin to clear my head and allow for the tears to just fall. I am glad that I had a good cry. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know how to manage it.

I feel like I will be a losing a good friend. I feel like a part of me is gone.

Things will change and on a personal front, it wont be for the better.

I feel that a part of me is gone.

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