Thursday, October 2, 2008

I dont know anymore

I dont know what I'm doing anymore. I'm just doing things for the sake of doing things. I really cannot see the big picture right now. I am so so tired. I feel like just quitting. Quitting work, quitting my quest to overcome my past with jen. I just want to call you and talk to you. Everything sucks big time right now and I have nothing to fall back on. Work sucks, personal life sucks. I really don't know what is the point any more. I am very tired. I miss you so much.

I feel like I am doing the same old things. I am not learning and doing anything new. I know I have a part to play in this. But I really feel like giving up. Most people are learning and doing new things. I am still stuck doing the same old stupid things and I am sick and tired of that. I have had enough.

I need to venture elsewhere already.

I have had enough. WITH EVERYTHING!!!

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