Friday, June 27, 2008

At Ease

I feel happy and at ease today. Perhaps seeing a good friend which I have not seen for 9 months perked me up. Perhaps it was because I have finally said what I have been wanting to say for some time. I know that I need to follow through what I have said. Otherwise no point saying it. It is just words and no action. I want the wound to heal. It needs to heal. Enough of torturing myself in that manner. In a way, I feel happy. I also feel sad at the same time. Perhaps it will only hit me when I have not seen you for months. It was driving me crazy when I did not see you for 3 weeks. Maybe I will be okay this time round, ie to feel all right even though I have not seen you for 3 weeks. This then needs to be extended to months.
How do I know I have recovered? I wish the time is now. In a way, I miss you already. I feel like calling you. I miss your caring voice. I miss you. I need to focus my time and effort on other things such as work, family, my pre-reg.
I wish I was meeting up with you. I wish we had spent more time yesterday. It would be nice if we had stayed out till midnight. It wouldnt be fair to you as you were tired. And so was I. However I would have gladly stayed out if you were agreeable.

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